The pest cycle

Phases of pests The development of the olive tree is correlated with the cycle of its bio-aggressors. Whether it’s the leaves, fruit or branches, the olive tree suffers a number of different types of damages from pests and diseases, depending on its stage of development. La Bactrocera oleaeactive from September to November, is the main pest […]
7 December 2023 - Cearitis

Phases of pests

The development of the olive tree is correlated with the cycle of its bio-aggressors. Whether it’s the leaves, fruit or branches, the olive tree suffers a number of different types of damages from pests and diseases, depending on its stage of development.

La Bactrocera oleaeactive from September to November, is the main pest of the olive. Also known as the olive fly, it lays its eggs in the fruit from July to October. When they hatch, the larvae feed on the flesh and spoil the olives, making them unsuitable for consumption or for processing into olive oil.

Le Cyclonium oleaginum is a fungus that proliferates in autumn and spring. The contagion zone on the leaves forms an eye, hence the name “Peacock’s eye”. This fungus parasitises leaves and is spread by rain and wind. Once infected, the leaf dries out and falls off, which can affect tree vigour and yield for several years.

La Prays oleae attacks several parts of the tree. The olive moth has three cycles per year, causing damage mainly to flowers and fruit. It first lays eggs on flower buds in May. Emerging larvae consume the buds, then eggs are laid on young fruit in June. The larvae of this second generation consume the fruit until it falls prematurely at the end of the summer. Eggs are laid on the leaves in autumn and the third-generation larvae remain in the leaves over winter until the next season.

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